123Guestbook.com will be shutting down on the 1st of July. Learn more

10:06am 03-20-2024
i love your site's design! reminds me of a scrapbook of sorts, really cozy

your zines also seem really cool, though i didn't have the time to fully look through them [:
7:16am 03-17-2024
Love love love your rebirth entry for muse ariadne, you really managed to capture spring in such an evocative way. Your site is also so cozy, love the aesthetic <3
5:01pm 03-06-2024
here from cohost. love the vibes so much <3
6:30am 02-09-2024
didnt know u were on neocities till now, ur page is so soft
2:24pm 12-15-2023
your page has such a nice serene vibe to it <3
6:14pm 11-01-2023
Hi! Thanks for your submission to my pixel club, it's very cute !! Unfortunately it's not cropped so the hands are at the edges of the image. If you don't mind re-cropping it; or I can myself, either is totally fine (I don't want to just edit someone else's art unprompted!)
4:26am 12-23-2022
the site is pretty cool. i enjoyed it
1:41am 10-19-2022
Scarlett (Woodwife)
Hi Sol! I love your website, it makes me happy. I’m looking forward to seeing your updates! Thank you for leaving me a lovely message - Scarlett
11:08pm 08-04-2022
Your site is lovely, I adore the earth tones you're using! (also, our names match! I always wanted to meet someone named Sol, lol)
2:25am 07-29-2022
great site! i'm looking forward to seeing the art and music sections when you're done. keen for the zines!!
8:16am 07-28-2022
i loove the color scheme and layout of your site! i read all of your blog posts; i hope school treats you well once you can focus on your major and minor, & that your dad can someday live his dream of having a restaurant!